Articles by grant smith

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Circulation going up?

From Editor & Publisher: Memphis Commercial Appeal leads with the most daily circulation gains at nearly 31 percent. But those are mostly Newspaper In Education electronic editions, while regular dead-tree circulation declines. Read about it…

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Gay marriage in Iowa

Check out what the Des Moines Register is doing today, the first day gay couples can legally marry in Iowa. Pretty cool use of public records (yes, Hamilton County, they are public) for a visually…

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Wasted in Wisconsin wins award

Tootin’ my own horn again. I was lucky enough to have worked on this great project — Wasted in Wisconsin — last summer at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. It examines the state’s drinking culture and…

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Metaphor for FAIL?

The other day, while sitting in my kitchen, I couldn’t remember when the Pulitzers were announced. So I googled “pulitzer prize” on my iPhone and the first two entries directed me to the official site….

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Take your ball and go home

My Twitter feed has been abuzz this week with the latest Associated Press temper-tantrum that it will take legal action against Web sites that use its content without permission and without sharing revenue. My motherboard…