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Dogged data

This past weekend Commercial Appeal reporter Cindy Wolff explored the trends in pet adoption and euthanasia at Memphis Animal Services. I did the data analysis for the story and the thing that struck me instantly was the 79%…

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The FBI sure is keeping us safe

This would be hilarious if it wasn’t so stupid: Wired reports that Web geek Aaron Swartz runs a PERL script to scrape all of the federal court documents off of PACER’s normally pay-as-you-go system and incurs an…

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Talkin’ bout the swine flu

Yes that’s right: Memphis hip-hop artist Sir Vince rapping about the swine flu. It’s full of public health service announcements and it’s catchy as hell. H1N1 Talking bout the swine flu Talking bout the swine…

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True Crime: Part 1

Part 1 of the Commercial Appeal’s True Crime series has been published at last. A lot of work went into the project and the result is many different components. You can head directly to the…