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‘Wasted in Wisconsin’ prompts new legislation

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinal’s investigation into the culture, politics and laws around drinking in that state, “Wasted in Wisconsin,” has been awarded a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration “Lifesavers” public service award. Additionally, the state…

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Gun Carry Permits v. Public Records

The Commercial Appeal just won an APME First Amendment Citation for its searchable database of handgun carry permit holders who live in Tennessee and stories about the felons with guns and other folks with violent…

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“Wasted” wins another award

The Governors Highway Safety Association is recognizing Wasted in Wisconsin with a 2009 Peter K. O’Rourke Special Achievement Award. Like I said before, when it won a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Award for Safety,…

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Wasted in Wisconsin wins award

Tootin’ my own horn again. I was lucky enough to have worked on this great project — Wasted in Wisconsin — last summer at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. It examines the state’s drinking culture and…